Many a time has the proposal been swept under the carpet, and many a time opportunities upon opportunities to show we can actually govern; goes unnecessarily down the drain.
Here we have 4 Pakatan States and we are struggling to maintain administration. We even had to deal with disciplinary issues which led directly to the fall of the Perak State Government.
With the appointment of the new cabinet by the haunted Najib Razak, we should take this opportunity to showcase our struggle for the rakyat by implementing the Shadow Cabinet NOW! while everyone is still fresh. Any later we will be seen as merely being interested in politickings and not to ensure the welfare of the public is safeguarded.
Do you remember the Auditor General of Malaysia? the one who spilled the beans on Azalina's ministry so badly that she now lives under an umbrella of corruption and shame? We should emulate and apply the learned Auditor General's sacrifices by posting our very own 'Auditor General' in each Ministry appointed by the Federal Government.
This will not only make the Ministers ever-wary and on the tip of their toes; but it does also show that we are effectively scrutinising the deals and decisions of the ministries themselves with the eventual beneficiary being the Rakyat. Indirectly we are also forcing BN to govern with more responsibility and accountability.
If the Ministers do not co-operate, then we have 81 MPs to scream at their ear-lobes.
We have to show that Pakatan is also very concerned about the administration of the country in the Federal level. It also avails us to first hand training on how to become a minister when we win in the next Malaysian General Elections.
Please take note Pakatan! Vive la Resistance! Patik Sembah Derhaka!
malaysian opposition party is weak, they play on personal attacks and dirty politics. after a year now, what have they done?
ReplyDeletebagus! meningkatkan kepercayaan kepada pimpinan PR!
ReplyDeleteMart, you always surf internet, how come u dont read about what they hv done? or u have a bad denial mind?